Daily Songs

Part One, Daily Songs has all the songs from A Day in the Life of a Sri Chinmoy Disciple (note that the lists changed a bit over the years; this is the latest version):

  • Songs Guru requested we sing every day

  • Songs Guru suggested we sing every day

  • Songs Guru suggested we to learn

“Undoubtedly these three are my most favourite heartbeat-songs. They are simpler than the simplest, but they carry the deeper than the deepest feelings of my aspiring heart.

Out of thousands of songs that I have composed, quite a few are heartbeat-songs — many, many, many. But these three songs when you sing soulfully or I myself sing, they absolutely melt my heart. They are simpler than the simplest, but they carry the deeper than the deepest feelings of our spiritual life.”

- Sri Chinmoy

About Akarane prabhu, E jibane jadi and Jibaner sheshe maraner deshe (three songs all with the same melody):